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Things to Avoid During Finals Week

Posted by on Monday, December 10, 2012 in Academics, College Life, Exams, Student Life, Winter Break.

Well, folks, I have survived Day 1 of the ominous FINALS WEEK. Hooray! Though many of my fellow bloggers have commented on things TO DO and other nifty tips to make it through the often tumultuous finals time, I will offer a commentary on THINGS TO AVOID to make your future finals week experience more enjoyable (as enjoyable as it can be, anyways.) I may or may not have experienced first hand some of these THINGS TO AVOID. But I’ll never concede the authenticity of the statements to come :) Onward!

1)   Do not stay up on Facebook chatting with your friends until 3AM the night before a 9AM final. There is nothing THAT interesting or important you could possibly be talking about during such an hour, and you will regret it in the morning. Especially if you still have a substantial amount of studying to do before the aforementioned morning examination. AVOID.

2)   Don’t expect to not sleep before a final and think you are going to do as well as you would have with a few hours of shut eye. Sleep is very important as far as retaining information goes. And it’s not a fun feeling going into a three hour exam sick, groggy, and feeling like you are going to pass out. Hypothetically, of course. AVOID

3)   Do your best not to stress eat. This is a tough one, but the blank stare from an empty box of Cheeze-Itz on your desk that you purchased the day prior can eat away at your soul, and certainly not your waistline. AVOID.

4)   Do not trade a nap for Netflix. Because guess what? Those two hours you spent shamelessly watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer could have been used to catch up on some desperately needed sleep time. Yes, you may have learned 20 ways to kill a vampire, and enjoyed every second of this media indulgence, but you will STILL be tired. A nap will ensue, and a short study break will turn into a marathon. AVOID.

5)   Do not underestimate your own abilities. Yes, it may seem impossible to cram a semester’s worth of information into a day and a half, or to write a ten page paper in eight hours, but YOU CAN DO IT. A good attitude can bust even the worst finals ho-hums. It might be tempting to not study or just give up, but you owe it to yourself to show off how much you really learned over the semester. Not to mention you’ll have some impressive stories to tell over Winter Break about your fabulous finals defeat. Go for the gold!


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