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What I’ll Miss the Most About Vanderbilt

Posted by on Sunday, November 3, 2019 in Academics, College Life, College of Arts and Science, Diversity, General Information, Nashville, Pre-Med, Professors, Student Leadership, Student Life.

As senior year continues on, I feel more and more reflective about the experiences I have throughout my time at Vandy. There are a lot of things I’m going to miss about this place, so I thought I’d share those with you all who are wondering about life here or curious about the student culture. Without further ado, these are the things I’ll miss the most:

  • The collaborative atmosphere- whether it comes to studying together or helping friends execute events about which they’re passionate, Vanderbilt students provide an awesome support for one another. This was a big part of why I chose to attend Vanderbilt, and I have found that it has been true throughout my time here.
  • The work/life balance- Vanderbilt is undoubtedly a challenging school. However, people try to prioritize time spent with friends and participating in extracurricular activities that bring them a sense of purpose. This balance makes it a whole lot easier to do work when it comes around, and is a great reminder to enjoy your time in college.
  • The resources for wellbeing- Vanderbilt has a huge number of student centers available to provide students with the resources they need to succeed, and I am grateful to these centers for supporting me in tough times and helping me through the low points of college.
  • The city- Nashville is an incredible place to be if you love food, art, or music. There is always something to do here, and people are really friendly. I feel lucky to have gone to a school in such a great city.

I could keep going, but these are just a few of the things that make Vanderbilt such a special place to me, and one that I know I will miss come summer. If you have questions about life at Vanderbilt, feel free to email me at


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