Back to Black {and Gold}
Though I moved in a week ago, and classes started just last Wednesday, it feels like I’ve been at Vandy for a much longer time, while also not realizing how fast it all goes by. At the same time it feels like I’m still at the beginning, but I also feel much more experienced since I am now a junior. Being an upperclassman just contributes a kind of wisdom, in that I am more confident finding my way around campus, navigating social events, and managing my time efficiently for my studies, extracurriculars, self-care, and social life.

This past weekend, even though it was the first weekend since classes began, I spent most of Saturday studying. I know, I know, why would I need to be studying so soon in the semester? Well, as some of you may have read in my previous post, this semester I am taking the infamous pre-med torture also known as Biochemistry. To be honest, though, it isn’t too terrible. It is most definitely my hardest course, but I have started enjoying it: learning how life works is pretty cool! I also took the advice of my pre-med advisor at the HPAO to use extra study materials, such as the ______ for Dummies series. Those books present the information in a much more appealing and easy to understand way than my actual textbook! I only wish I had found out about them sooner, while I was suffering through the double whammy of a year taking Biology and Organic Chem at the same time.
Besides my intense studying of the amino acids this weekend, my roommate and I attended Spotlight: A Night of Movement and A Night of Music. These consecutive evening showcases highlighted some of Vanderbilt’s finest performing groups on campus, such as dance, theatre, and a cappella groups.

On Sunday, I spent a whole day at a retreat for board members of cultural organizations part of the IICC Office (Inclusion Initiatives and Cultural Competency). Though it was a long day, I left feeling excited about the upcoming year, knowing Vanderbilt is making a lot of effort to increase representation of cultural diversity around campus, and excited to not only attend but help put together more cultural events.
Overall, this week I have done so much more than in a week while at home. The contrast in pace is stark, to say the least, but I feel it is good to have that balance to avoid burnout. I miss home, of course (who doesn’t miss home-cooked meals and their dog?), but I also really enjoy being here. Like, really. A lot.

Coming back for a third year to a place I once imagined being is a feeling like no other.