5 Apps That Get Me Through College
While in college, you will quickly find yourself downloading new apps onto your phone in order to navigate Nashville or to help you study for an exam. To save you some time and confusion about which apps you need, here are 5 apps that I have found to be the most useful to my college career so far!
You will definitely need the GET app at Vanderbilt. Through this app, you can check the balances of your Meal Money and Commodore Cash; you can also order foods such as pizza, wings, and sandwiches straight to your dorm from restaurants that participate in Vandy’s Taste of Nashville. In addition, you can see a list of other restaurants that take the Card that do not deliver. This is essential for times when you don’t want to spend your own money!

GroupMe is very helpful when you are trying to communicate with large groups of people on campus or when you don’t necessarily want everyone to have your phone number. Also, different minority groups on campus use GroupMe in order to publicize their events! I use GroupMe frequently to discuss group projects, meetings for various student organizations that I am a member of, or simply to message a classmate that I have their lost coat. Definitely download GroupMe to easily communicate with your fellow classmates!

Quizlet helps me to study for my classes no matter where I am on campus. With Quizlet, you can create flashcards for various subjects, and then you are able to access them wherever you go! In addition, Quizlet will make quizzes and games for you to help you study the material. Regardless if you’re on a Vandy Van or at a football game, you can study for your next midterm!
Now, to be completely honest, I have an addiction to Spotify. First of all, college students can purchase a subscription to Spotify Premium for half the price! I constantly listen to Spotify to destress after a long day and to motivate me while completing various assignments. In fact, this year I have listened to Spotify for a total of 38,108 minutes or 635 hours… I guess you can say that I get my money’s worth. Also, Spotify is a great way to share a playlist of all of your favorite songs with your friends, and multiple people can edit a single playlist. Last year, my floor had its own “Destress Playlist” of all our favorite songs from the last decade. I highly recommend Spotify for all of your music needs!
Although I find it very convenient to walk to various restaurants from my room in Kissam, I still use Uber to travel to places that a little farther away from campus (or when it’s raining, and I don’t want to walk). Since First-Year students are not allowed to have cars on campus, it is very convenient to use Uber. You can split the fare with your friends, so then the price is much cheaper! Also, you can link Uber to your Commodore Card, so you can use Commodore Cash to pay for the fare. Uber is very convenient when travelling around Nashville.
If you have any questions about how technology has made an impact on my education at Vanderbilt, feel free to contact me! I’d also love to talk about my current favorite songs on Spotify, so please email me at ashli.alexander@vanderbilt.edu with any questions!