You’re going to study a lot more than you ever did, but then you’ll have more fun than you ever did
The laundry room is an unexpected but great place to make friends
It’s ok to not end up best friends with your roommate
Ask for cracked eggs in the commons omelette line
But if you really want the omelette chefs to like you, just ask for two eggs over medium
If you run fast enough you can make it to the rec from commons in six-ish minutes
You’ll meet some very cool, interesting people
Gonna miss this view from Stambaugh 504 :)
Don’t wait until the day before to start an assignment
Get to Rand around 11:40 for the sweet spot before the lunch rush begins
If you need that extra protein you can totally hide a chicken breast under a side salad
TA’s and RA’s seem intimidating at first, but they’re only a couple years older. Get to know them, they’re pretty cool.
Bring an umbrella
Meal money doesn’t last forever
Nashville is THE place if you like food and music, get off campus more and enjoy the city!
Me, new friends, and Blaque Keyz who performed with Jon Bellion
The smoothie king inside the rec has vegan cookies
At least a broom, at best a vacuum cleaner: get one for your dorm
If you have a succulent in your room, only water it once a week
Call your parents at least once a week, even if you don’t think you miss them, you probably do, and they surely miss you
If you want an apple PBG at Grins, be prepared to wait, because good things take time
If you buy an avocado from Munchie you can make avocado toast
Avocado toast!!!!
Make every moment count, you’re only here for a short time
Go to lectures and other events if they interest you, even if you don’t have a friend who wants to join
You’re going to meet some amazing people, even though the timing sucks sometimes
Enjoy the random deep talks with people in your dorm
It’s a small world, you’ll discover unexpected mutual friends and experiences with people on campus
Don’t wait until the night before you leave for summer to start packing
Enjoy Commons, you’ll never have that experience of being a freshman surrounded by all freshmen again
Look for opportunities and take advantage of them while they’re there for you, people aren’t going to remind you anymore like they did in high school
Take more pictures, you’ll want to have more documented memories
When you come home for breaks, you’re going to count down the days to when you get to go back to Vandy Land!