Some Off-Campus Things
Many students refer to campus as the “Vandy bubble” because it is located in Nashville, but it may not seem or feel quite like it. Leaving this bubble, thankfully, has given me the opportunity to experience Nashville and get out of the typical go to class, study, eat at the dining hall, see the same people, etc. routine of college. Some of the coolest experiences that I’ve had in my time at Vanderbilt have come when exploring new areas and trying new things.
In September, some of my friends and I went to the Tennessee state fair, which runs every year for about two weeks. This event was located at the fairgrounds, a short 10 minute drive from campus. Like typical fairs, there were rides, carnival games, and food stands, but they also had clog dancing and a cow show.

On one weekend in October, my friend and I saw an event on Facebook for an exotic pet expo. This event was also located at the fairgrounds. Essentially, the venue was a barn with a bunch of breeders that were selling different types of birds and snakes (definitely a much different atmosphere than campus). I’m bummed that I didn’t take a picture while holding one of the animals, but I did get a chance to play with a small snake for the first time.

On the same weekend, my friend and I went to Nashville’s version of Oktoberfest, located in an area in Nashville called Germantown. Although I’ve never been to the actual Oktoberfest, I was impressed by how many vendors and people were there. The street was lined with stands that sold bratwurst, hot dogs, pretzels, beer, arts and crafts, and much more. They had music too!

Going to college in a city is the way to go.