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Opportunities at Vandy: The Peabody Scholars program

Posted by on Saturday, March 12, 2016 in Academics, Freshman Life, General Information, Peabody College, Professors, Study Abroad, Summer, Undergraduate Research.

One of my favorite classes this semester is one that is not open to the “general public” and only has 15 students in it: a required course in the Peabody Scholars program called “Going to School in America.” We read a book a week (some of my favorites have been The Smartest Kids in the World, How we Learn, and Building a Better Teacher), and write essays on five of them. In addition, each week our professor brings in an expert from the University to lecture on whatever subject we happen to be discussing, which has been incredibly eye-opening and helpful in broadening my knowledge of the academic resources on campus.

Although the course-load is relatively heavy, it is also immensely enjoyable; each book that we read seems to open my eyes to a completely new world (isn’t that what all books are supposed to do?!) and left me a markedly different person than I was before I set hands on them.

Christopher Loss is also a phenomenal professor, navigating delicate issues with adroitness and facilitating fascinating discussion among the group. Each year, 15 scholars are chosen and represent every major in Peabody. In addition to two required seminars in the spring of freshman and sophomore year, scholars get a stipend between the summer of the 2nd and 3rd years to engage in volunteer work, conduct research, or study abroad. Our junior years are composed of an independent research project with a faculty adviser, and in our last year we meet at a Nashville restaurant roughly once a month just to discuss current events and other issues, as well as attend events on campus.

Being a Peabody Scholar has given me the opportunity to connect with perceptive, hard-working individuals I probably wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for the program, and I can’t wait to see all the wonderful opportunities it will afford me in the future! I am super grateful to be a part of the program, and strongly encourage any incoming Peabody freshmen to apply, you’ll never know what’ll happen until you try :)



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