This past weekend, Elle Woods herself graced us with her presence. Well, Megan Ward as Elle Woods, that is. Legally Blonde the Musical was performed by Vanderbilt Off Broadway and they completely crushed it. No need to keep it “Positive” because I really have only heard phenomenal reviews. And here’s the zinger-it only played once this weekend. The snow (as I’m sure you’ve read about already on the blogs) postponed the second and third shows. So everyone’s been talking nonstop about how incredible the opening show on Thursday night was! I’m glad I got to go to it then before the snow came in, and now I can go see it again when it comes back in two weekends! I would say it’s good for the performers to now have even more time to perfect it, but I really can’t think of anything I would change. It was AMAZING.

Another aspect that was so fun about seeing the show was that I knew a lot of people in it! Five of the girls are in my sorority, including the lead herself! And I’ve seen the other actors in performances before or in classes or just around campus! I had really high expectations going into the show because I know how talented all of them are. Additionally, I’ve seen Legally Blonde the Musical on Broadway and watched it a handful of times on YouTube because it’s so good. It’s just the most epic story with so much humor and emotions and once it was set to music, it was bound to become legendary. And it’s a big job to take on! But, like I said, VOB (Vanderbilt Off Broadway) succeeded and then some.

Megan perfected the parts of Elle Woods that I loved the most from the show along with adding her own personality to it, making Elle an even more dynamic and relatable character. I also just got such a kick out of seeing one of my close friends dressed up in all the fun outfits! The actress who played Vivian is also in my sorority, Sam. The Delta Nu sisters included 2 Pi Phi sisters, Amelia and Gabby and another actress in my sorority, Annie, was a slew of different characters including Elle’s mom and the mean woman in the store. It was just the best to see the girls singing, dancing, acting and having so much fun on stage. We had so much fun watching! Also, there were about 30 of us who came to see it and it just felt amazing to be together supporting our friends.
The show made me laugh, cry, and feel really motivated. It’s just a well-written show modeled after a well-written story, and it was acted out the best way possible. I’m so proud of my friends and the entire cast and crew (including the Blair orchestra that just killed it). The message of staying true to who you are is timeless, and the fact that Elle proves everyone who doubts her wrong in the process is purely inspiring. I can’t wait to see it again! Until then, take my word for it: This show “Serious”ly makes you life “So Much Better”. Haha, sorry.