Winding Down and Moving Out
The time has come. I’m taking my first college finals.
The whole process is a lot less stressful than I thought it would be (although I’m betting that will change a little when I take more advanced courses). Don’t get me wrong, I’m still studying during every waking moment that isn’t already filled, but everything is working out relatively fine.
I actually just took my Calculus 1300 exam, which was the one giving me the most qualms, and in a few more days on Friday evening, I’ll take my General Chemistry exam. And then I’m done.
Well, I’ll be done until next semester, and then everything starts again, and then again and again. With the advent of more academia, though, comes more time in general, which leads to more time spent enjoying the college experience at Vanderbilt, something I’m sure the content of my articles indicates that I enjoy. As it so happens, I enjoyed myself quite a lot over the most recent weekend. Take a look at some of what was happening!
Perhaps the most unique thing I experienced was a “Vegas Night” in Rand Dining Hall on the previous Wednesday. For the low price of one meal swipe, any student or faculty member could enter the ambience of the dimly lit and tantalizingly scented premises of Rand. The food and company was so incredible–I can’t wait to see what else Campus Dining will plan out for us!

A couple of days later on Friday morning, I participated in something far different and much more heart-warming than buffet food: the Angel Tree celebration! A few of my friends and I helped bring the holiday cheer to one of many classes from schools all around Nashville. From what I could tell (and from what the pictures bear out), the kids had wonderful time; I know I did.

The very next night was also celebratory, just in a different way. Stambaugh house put on a little shindig called “StamBall,” and have a ball we did. There was plenty of dancing and singing, and enough sparkling cider was spilled to make one’s shoes sticky for the next week, but it was all in good fun. As usual, Stambaugh gave an excellent show (#housepride).

And now it’s Monday, I’m partially neglecting my more pressing responsibilities, and I’m typing this article to procrastinate responsibly. I’ve said it before in a variety of contexts, but time passes so strangely here. Despite the fact that I have oodles of stuff to do, I know I’m going to be all right. I have time enough to tell you all about how I’ve been hanging out and living, and the next moment, I’ll be stressing, but my stress will soon fade into an ethereal nothingness that feels ages away yet infinitely close. Isn’t that strange?
It’s a feeling I’ll miss over the upcoming break. In a way, it’s like a Bildungsroman, like I’m growing into the person I need to become; but I’ll save the introspective rambling for the last article before Winter Break. Until then, I’ll end by telling you the moral: everything works out somehow, mostly in the ways you never expected, yet, as days go by, it happens exactly as you needed it to happen. I know that’s been the case with me lately.
Right now, though, I know the thing that needs to happen, and that is studying. Tune in later one last time at the end of the week, and see me out of my first semester!