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What I’m Looking Forward To

Posted by on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 in Academics, Athletics, Freshman Life, Thanksgiving Break, VUcept, Winter Break.

It’s been a little while since my last blog post. I’m still recovering from a killer week with two big exams and a research paper, but I figured I should write something before finals approach. Oh boy. Don’t want to start thinking about that.

The semester is gradually winding to a close. I just had my last Vanderbilt Visions meeting, at Jeni’s. I know I’ve written about this in other posts, but it’s astounding how fast this semester has flown by!

Finals aside, there are quite a few things I’m looking forward to in the next few weeks and beyond, like:

1. Thanksgiving!!!

Thanksgiving Break will be the first opportunity since I’ve been at college to really relax. Though I’m not going home to Albuquerque, I’ll be in Atlanta with my family. I get to see my parents for the first time since August! Great food, family, football, what could be better? Plus, Vanderbilt gives us a whole week off, which is really really nice. Like, super nice. Need I say more?

2. Basketball

I love watching basketball. I’ve already been to two games already this season – we smoked Austin Peay and Gardner-Webb. I’m really excited for this season – Vanderbilt is currently ranked 17th in the nation, and was named one of Sports Illustrated’s “64 Reasons to be excited for the 2015-16 college basketball season.” Getting out an experiencing that Memorial Magic is definitely a reason to be excited about winter in Nashville.

Hey, Go Dores!

3. Winter Break

The only thing between Thanksgiving and Winter break is two weeks of classes, then finals. Let’s skip that, and go straight to break. I get to go home! Three glorious weeks of no school. My bed! My dogs! My home friends! Skiing! My house! Bliss.

I'm not driving home, but you get the idea...

4. Spring Courses

Yes, even though I relish every minute of break that we get, I’m looking forward to a new set of classes in the spring semester. I’m taking courses in Arabic, Microeconomics, Computer Science, a course on Ethics and Public Policy, and a really unique honors seminar on Healing and the Arts in East Asia.

As always, if you have any questions, or want to know more information about what I write about/anything in general, email me at!

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