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Is “Staycation” Actually a Word?

Posted by on Saturday, October 31, 2015 in College Life, Exams, Fall Break, General Information, Music, Nashville, Parking, Student Life.

The above question is fairly rhetorical. Additionally, it’s a half-baked title meant to introduce my Fall Break adventures here in Nashville. I never said I was good at segues.

Fall looks good on ya, Kirkland.

I’m taking a lot of courses this semester that I suppose you would describe loosely as “science-y,” a word I mostly use to avoid the weight of the phrase “I am taking Organic Chemistry, Neuroscience, and Physics all at the same time.” This means that my tests tend to come in fairly steady cycles, and due to an unfortunate scheduling coincidence, all three of those classes had midterms scheduled for the week after Fall Break. So, instead of cramming into a car with my friends to head down to Gulf Shores, I decided to be a responsible-ish student and spend my weekend getting ahead so that I would be prepared for my tests.

And man, am I so glad that I did.  Not only was my Week of Super-Fun Academic Assessment much more manageable and much less stressful than it would have been had I not carved out the time to be productive, but I also got to do some Nashville exploring.

The highlights include:

  • Discovering a non-profit coffee shop that donates the money they make to the Living Water Mission and Blood:Water Project
  • Catching a (truly disturbing) scary movie at the Belcourt Theatre. Although I have to admit, I’ve been kinda spoiled being able to go to movies at the Belcourt for free through FLiCX.
  • Getting to take photos of campus in the fall without too many other people around judging me for stopping every five feet to photograph leaves
  • Finally making it to a show at the Ryman Auditorium (and seeing one of my favorite bands, Walk the Moon, for a second time!)
And I only cried, like, twice!

All this, and I still had time to do homework. Nashville, is there anything you can’t do?

Okay, maybe you sometimes can’t provide a convenient parking spot that isn’t parallel parking, but it’s really my own fault for never having learned that skill. So we’ll let it slide.

At least the view from the top floor of this parking garage is pretty.

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