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True Life: I’m the Inside ‘Dores Recruitment Chair

Posted by on Sunday, August 30, 2015 in Admissions, Admissions Links, Blog, College Life, Commons, Communications, Creative Writing, Culture, Diversity, Extracurriculars, Freshman Life, General Information, Jobs, Nashville, Student Leadership, Student Life.

It was the first week back on campus. With the Student Involvement Fair just days away, it was my job as the Inside ‘Dores Recruitment Chair to reach out to all potential bloggers via trifold, flyers, and Facebook in an effort to make them see just how awesome blogging is.

Pretty easy considering Inside ‘Dores sells itself, right? Wrong.

I like to think I’m a relatively approachable, friendly person, but given the fact that I’m sufficiently challenged with Photoshop (I didn’t make the flyer) and responsible for showing just what an incredible opportunity this blog is, the task was daunting. How was I supposed to fit all the benefits of Inside ‘Dores on just THREE FLAPS of a trifold? Gimme at least four flaps, people.

Come Saturday, I was manning the table at the Student Organization Fair on Commons, ready to gage the campus interest. Some might say it was one of the most highly anticipated social events of the fall (maybe just for me???), and I met a ton of eager Vanderbilt students.

The best part was that a ton of freshmen and transfers already knew about the blog and had been following it since before they were admitted. Now, I’d love to take full credit for recruiting these potential new bloggers, but the truth is, us veterans were successfully doing our job **snaps** and drawing the bloggers in with every post.

Eh, I’ll probably still take all the credit.

Alas, our job is not finished yet. With so many qualified writers, the Inside ‘Dores team is posed with the challenge of accepting new bloggers. If you missed us at the Recruitment fair, I apologize that you didn’t get to see my hastily made poster board (A for effort), but you can still apply at I guarantee that you won’t regret it

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