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Vandy: Round 2

Posted by on Thursday, June 25, 2015 in Academics, Blog, College Life, Culture, Dance, Housing, Nashville, Student Leadership, Student Life, Studying, VUcept.

I can hardly believe that I am done with my first year at Vanderbilt! The memories of moving into Room 311 in West House are still fresh in my mind, but nearly an entire year has passed since then. Now that I have settled into Vandy comfortably (and no longer get lost on campus!), I have so many things to look forward to this fall, when I begin my second innings as a sophomore.


Now that freshman year is over and I have adjusted to the academic life at Vanderbilt, I am taking five classes instead of my usual four:

  • Econ 3010: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory. This class is a must-take for my major in Economics. I’m glad I found a spot in this class because it filled up really quickly!
  • Math 2200: Single Variable Calculus III. This class is again a must-take for my major, possibly minor, in Mathematics. Right now, there are only six people in this class because it is a part of Math 1200 sequence (most people are on the Math 1300 track).
  • Financial Econ 1600: Financial Accounting. I am thinking of adding a minor in Financial Economics because I think that it will complement my Economics major and give me a good foundation for my career prospects in the business world. This is the first class I have to take for this minor.
  • College Honors 1820W: Science Fiction. I am very excited for this seminar, and although I am wait-listed for my first choice seminar in Art and Politics, I believe that I can learn a lot from this course as well. I love reading books and watching movies, but science fiction is a genre that I haven’t explored well (unless you count X Files and Minority Report).
  • ENGL 2311: Representative British Writers. Although I am not majoring in English, I love taking English courses. As an anglophile (Jane Austen, Downton Abbey, Prince George <3), I am taking a course called Representative British Writers, which focusses on contexts and literary periods in Britain. One of my course books is Pride and Prejudice, one of my all time favorites. I am a voracious reader, and British literature tops my list.

Extra-curricular activities.

  • VUcept. If you’ve been reading my posts, you must have noticed that I blog about VUcept a lot. This year, I am a VUceptor for the Class of 2019, and partnering with professor Joe Rando, I will be holding weekly meetings with 18 first-years as well as guiding them through Common VU orientation. All VUceptors undergo a week long training before the new semester, and I will be moving in early on 16th August to prepare for it.
  • Vandy PAWS. This year, I will be reprising my role as Social Chair. We have many new events planned for involving more people in animal welfare. We have new members and a new Executive Board, so I’m really excited to see how our activities and events shape up.
  • Inside ‘Dores. This year, I am the content editor for Inside ‘Dores and I can’t wait to work with other members of the exec board. We will also have a brand new set of bloggers, especially from the Class of 2019, so watch out for our applications!
  • I am involved in a few other clubs such as SACE, the Honor Council and MLC. All of these organizations have many events planned throughout the year. I am especially excited for Diwali, an Indian festival that SACE celebrates in a grand way.

Some other things to look forward to…

  • I’ll be living in a new house, Lupton, which is part of the Branscomb Quadrangle. Although I loved living on Commons, it was a bit far away from main campus, so living in Lupton will be so much more convenient. I also have a new roommate, Sydney!
  • Nashville is such a vibrant city, but I haven’t explored it as much as I would have liked to. I have many things on my Nashville bucket list, so I will try to break out of the Vanderbubble whenever I have the opportunity to do so. I am going with a few of my friends for the Ed Sheeran concert at Bridgestone Arena in September!
  • Although it seems far away, I have to start thinking about which summer internships I will be applying for. I also want to study abroad at the London School of Economics, so I’ll have to see how my internship and summer classes will fit in together next year. Needless to say, the Center for Student Professional Development will be one of my favorite haunts.
  • This is not related to Vandy, but I’m planning a long due vacation to California with my grandfather. It’s been a while since we’ve have a proper holiday together, so I’m really looking forward to this trip in December!

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