Summer 2015 Bucket List
I still have a few months at home before I get to head back to Vandy in August. While I already miss Nashville, I plan on making this summer really count!
1. Do All the Touristy things in Bethlehem
When begging my friends to come visit me in Bethlehem, PA this summer, I was often faced with the question “What would we do?” Once I realized that sitting on my couch watching The West Wing was not an option, I decided I need to spend this summer doing the tourist tour of my hometown.
2. Read Read Read!
I’ve had plenty of reading to do this year but very little of it has been for pleasure. I’m looking forward to taking some of my friends’ book suggestions and checking out the Class of 2019 Commons Reading, The Madonnas of Echo Park.
3. Spend Quality Time with My Little Sis
After spending most of the year away from my sister Meghan, it will be nice to spend some good old fashion sister bonding time with her. She’s going to be a senior in high school next year, so she could definitely use a break before the stress of application season begins!
4. Visit Friends
Although my friends down South are a tad too far away to visit this summer, I have several friends who are interning in New York! Thanks to the beauty of the Northeast, NYC is just a two hour drive away from me so I definitely plan on stopping by!
Stay tuned for updates on my summertime adventures!

Much love,