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On Feeling Overwhelmed

Posted by on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 in College Life, Freshman Life, Health, Religious Life, Student Life.

Hello friends!
I have been notoriously absent on this blog this semester and for that I sincerely apologize.
One of the benefits of an academically and socially intense school like Vandy is the incredible number of opportunities students are given. There are always new challenges to rise to or programs to attend. However, sometimes the pressure to succeed and stay involved can get hard to handle. A few weeks into spring semester, I got overwhelmed very quickly. A fifteen page research paper loomed over my head (along with a mountain of other assignments) and I was working on a campaign for Vanderbilt Student Government that meant long meetings and constant running around. I started to feel guilty for going to sleep when I knew other people were awake doing work. I was stressed beyond belief and did not know how to handle it.
Luckily for me, I had the support of some tremendous friends who were constantly by my side. I also went on a fantastic retreat called Awakening run by University Catholic which helped me find peace and put things in perspective.
My Awakening Family *Space Fam*
Although this semester has been challenging, I’ve grown and learned a lot, namely:
1) You do not need to do everything.
2) Ask for help when you need it.
I heard these two lessons on repeat my entire adolescence as my parents tirelessly reminded me not to burn myself out, but it took living away from home to really understand them. Not only does Vanderbilt have a strong community who I am blessed to call my second family, there are also numerous resources to turn to for help: the Psychological and Counseling Center, the Student Health Center, the Office of the University Chaplain and Religious Life, the KC Potter Center, and Project Safe. You have to help yourself before you can help others.
Much love,

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