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The End is Coming

Posted by on Friday, February 27, 2015 in Academics, College Life, Student Life.

I’m half way done. I only have one half left of my last semester at Vanderbilt.

It only really hit me this afternoon as I walked out of my last midterm for the week. But wait, not just the last midterm of the week, the last midterm of my college career. It’s bitter sweet, I guess. With Spring Break starting today, I get closer and closer to Gradu… I can’t even say the word.

The end is near. Come May, it’ll be time for us to enter the ‘real world.’ Am I ready? No. I’m going to have to do real people stuff like get a job, pay for rent and cook for myself. How will I survive without a meal plan? I’m going to have to find some good roommates.

With every day that passes from now on, I’m going to be doing things for the last time. Things like the last day of class, the last exam, the last time we go out to Flying Saucer or the last basketball game. I recently watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and I think I need myself one of those time-turners that Emma Watson has. Not to go to multiple classes at the same time, but to maximize the time I have left with the friends that are here.

It’ll be tough to separate from friends who I’ve spent the past 4 years with hanging out every weekend but I guess that’s just a part of life, part of growing up. Everyone goes their different ways but if those bonds of friendship were strong enough, you’ll still stay in touch and see each other some other day.

As I begin my Spring Break, I will be sure to catch up on my sleep, sit on my couch and watch as much TV as I want. Additionally, I’ve made the decision that I want a puppy next year so I will start my research by google searching ‘cute puppies.’ Apart from that, I’ll come back to Vandy next Wednesday for the basketball team’s last home game against Miss. State.

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