One Less Problem (With the Quake Lineup)
I don’t know about you guys, but where I went to high school, homecoming was a lot of the things — stressful, overblown, anxiety-inducing — a lot of things, but usually not very fun. There was a football game no one cared about, a dance we cared about WAY too much, and weeks worth of wasted time on planning dresses and dates and dinners. In short, it was very high school.
Now, a good four months away from my third homecoming at Vandy, I can say that I’m already looking forward to that weekend for so many reasons. First, this will be the first time that I actually know the people doing the home-coming! This year was the first time I was actually sad about graduation. I had friends that were seniors, and watching them say their last goodbyes to their lives as full-time students was as exciting as it was terrifying. But even before I had any emotional investment in the event, homecoming was still something I considered RIDICULOUSLY fun for quite a few reasons.
There’s awesome football (and our team’s only getting better!), great tailgates thanks to VPB, perfect weather and — saving the best for last here — artists at the top of the charts brought right to our metaphorical/actual doorsteps with Commodore Quake.
Now, Rites of Spring usually gets all the love when we talk about the amazing artists VPB brings to our campus, but with artists like Jay-Z and Kanye West previously featured, Quake’s lineups have rivaled the billed headliners at festivals like Coachella, Lollapalooza, Bonnaroo, and more — and this year is no exception. In fact, with the #1 artist on the Billboard Hot 100 right now headed straight for Nashville on Oct. 4, this lineup might be one of the most exciting we’ve ever seen: IGGY AZALEA and LUDACRIS!

As a member of Music Group, I’m used to getting some feedback when we release lineups — usually from my friends who know how hard we work and how excited I am — but this year was something else. From calls to snapchats to retweets to texts from numbers I didn’t even have, everyone was freaking out, weighing in, volunteering to cover it for the Hustler, and best of all, everyone was excited!
The hardest part of being on Music Group isn’t booking the artists or keeping them a secret — it’s always the waiting that comes after that. Four months until the show might be a while, but in the meantime I have my job, New York, the Hustler, going back to school and my sweet suite to keep me busy, so you should stick around.