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Warren and Moore, Here I Come!

Posted by on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 in College Life, Housing.

Moore College under construction (photo is mine)

Today was my room selection period for the new College Halls at Kissam, specifically Moore College. As a result of a random lottery, I am the proud resident-to-be of one of 298 singles in the currently under-construction residence hall at Vanderbilt University. And the best part is that I will still have the option to live at Kissam as a junior and senior.

The halls open Fall 2014, and I can’t wait. Warren and Moore are six stories of community-centered, living-learning awesomeness. Each college headed by a resident faculty member: for Warren, Douglas H. Fisher, professor computer science and engineering; for Moore, Jim Lovensheimer, professor of musicology. The two colleges are connected by a community center of sorts.

The meal plan at the halls will be 12 meals per week for everyone (with roll-over), regardless of year, in addition to $225 meal money per semester. The current first-year plan is 21 meals/week with $175 meal money. Sophomores typically have 14 meals, the juniors have 8 meals, and the seniors have none. So as a senior not living in the new halls, I would either have to cook everything for myself or pay extra for a meal plan upgrade. But as a resident, I will have 12 meals a week until I graduate, which means that my financial aid will cover it and I will save a lot of money on food.

Inside Vandy recently published an article detailing the selection process and the results of the lottery: only 25.5 percent of applicants were chosen.

You can take a virtual tour of the halls here.

I'm near the bathroom, stairs, elevator, kitchen, laundry room, not to mention friends.

According to Vanderbilt News, Moore College is named after Stanford Moore, a Vanderbilt graduate who received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1972. Warren College is named in honor of Robert Penn Warren (1905-1989), a Vanderbilt graduate Pulitzer Prize-winner for both fiction and poetry. He was the first poet laureate of the United States in 1986.

The Colleges are further subdivided into halls honoring the following individuals:
• sports writer Henry Grantland Rice;
• Baptist preacher, author, and civil rights leader Kelly Miller Smith;
• biophysicist Max Ludwig Henning Delbrück; and
• community leader and philanthropist Elizabeth Boddie Elliston.

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