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The Final 100 Days

Posted by on Friday, January 31, 2014 in College Life, General Information, Student Life.

Well, just like that, January is just about over, and, today marks only 100 days left until graduation. I am in denial, and I would say that most of my friends are right there with me. In honor (mourning) of this special day, the Senior Class Fund, held an entire week of festivities, culminating in the Senior Class Breakfast this morning in Rand. All seniors that donated also got a bucket list t-shirt.

This first month of my last semester has been pretty great. I am only enrolled in ten hours, and I don’t have class on Fridays. For some reason, though, I have been as busy as ever. I finally had room in my schedule for a studio art class, so I am taking ceramics. I end up spending about 5 hours in the studio every week in addition to the 6 hours a week that I have ceramics class.

Since I don’t have class on Friday, I nearly forgot about the breakfast until one of my best friends asked me to go with her. I was even more grateful to spend the morning with her than I was for the delicious eggs and Bruegger’s bagel. I have found that we seniors are more independent. We all seem to be doing our own things, but breakfast this morning was a great way to catch up with an old friend. In just 100 days, we will be separated by a three-hour flight (at least) and completely incompatible schedules. (Wow. Are you sad, yet? I am.). It almost reminds me of being a senior in high school, but worse. My friends and I will have to make conscious (and expensive) efforts to meet up. Some of my friends will never have another summer vacation. I still have one more (yay med school!!)

I have not been blogging much because I have been spending countless hours doing nothing with friends. We have quite a few movie nights and even a Scattergories tournament. Nashville has been plagued with a polar vortex, but hopefully warmer weather is in our future.

Hopefully, February will be a month full of funtivities, warmer weather and blogging! Sorry for my inconsistencies, but I really do look forward to sharing my last semester with all of you!

The senior bucket list t shirt I got from the breakfast

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