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Here We Go!

Posted by on Sunday, January 26, 2014 in Academics, General Information.

Three weeks into my last semester of classes at Vanderbilt, and I am finally getting into the swing of things!  The semester started off rough, when the line at the airport was so long that in order to make my flight back to Nashville from LA I had to leave my checked baggage behind. I managed to grab the essentials and stuff them into my carryon before sprinting through security and to my gate, making it in the nick of time, but then my mom had to mail me everything that didn’t quite make it.  Good news: the boxes got here on Thursday! Woohoo! It’s a good thing I’m from California, because all of my warm clothes were still safely in my closet here at school–I haven’t frozen to death the past two weeks.

Once I got to campus, everything was slightly better (and by slightly, I mean a whole lot) because–as I’m sure other bloggers have told you–classes were cancelled the next day! That gave me a much needed rest after a very rough return to campus.  The first two weekends were filled with recruitment activities for my sorority, but after a long two weeks we have new members!

Abby and me during the second weekend of recruitment!

This is the first time since my first year at Vanderbilt that I am only taking four classes, and I am excited about all of them! With most of my major requirements out of the way, I got to take a couple of classes just for fun, and I am super excited about them!  This semester, I’m taking Medicine, Law, and Society; Programming and Problem Solving; Perspectives on Trauma; and Harry Potter in the UK: Child Development and Children’s Literature.  I’m loving all of them so far, so expect a post on each as the semester progresses!