Semester Recap
Can you believe it, dear readers? I’ve got one semester left. That is a positively terrifying and thrilling idea which I am trying not to reflect on too much—I’m not sure I’m quite ready to leave Vandy just yet.
That being said, the end of the semester always leaves me a little nostalgic as I think over all the things I’ve gotten to do. I’ve listened to talks from Kal Penn, previous White House photo director Eric Draper, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jon Meacham, and more. I’ve helped host a lot of events at the BCM. I’ve collaborated with an amazing staff to release the fall issue of The Vanderbilt Review. I participated in Diwali for the third year, witnessed the first ever Tap That showcase and my last ever fall Melodores concert (well, at least as an undergrad). I’ve gotten to explore more of Nashville and get to know it even better and I’ve gotten to go to awesome concerts and shows. I’ve gotten to meet lots of excited prospective students on tours.

In class, I’ve studied everything from the rhetoric used by cults to how to create an effective billboard. I’ve learned how to craft a profile of someone and what makes a leader effective. I’ve delved into books I would have never normally picked up. I took a history class for the first time at Vandy.
All this is to say that for a semester that has flown by, there’s been a lot crammed in—you don’t realize it until you really stop and think about it. It’s been a whirlwind, and I can’t wait to come back and do it all over again, one last time.