Midnight Movie Time
I won’t hesitate to admit that I am not the biggest Lord of the Rings fan. (I know, your jaw just dropped.) This didn’t keep me from going to the midnight premiere of the second Hobbit movie last night.
When Victoria and Ashlin decided to go with some of our friends to the movie last night, my gut response was, “I have literally zero interest in that.” I thought about it for a while though, and decided that despite the fact that my Lord of the Rings experience extended only to a half-paid-attention-to viewing of the first movie in the trilogy, I wanted to go with them–if only to spend some more time together before everyone goes home for winter break. Being the poor college student that I am, one giant factor in me going to the movie was also the ability to buy movie tickets both at a discounted price and with my Commodore Card at the Sarratt Box Office, which is a place where you can buy tickets for a variety of events both on- and off-campus, conveniently located right on campus.

Sitting in the theater before the movie started, I hastily read up on the plot of the first Hobbit film, but was quickly confused by the multitude of names I did not recognize. I then turned to my friend Daniel, and he offered up a quick synopsis that allowed me to be less than totally confused throughout the movie–although I will admit that I asked him a LOT of questions throughout the movie, and he is an awesome friend for putting up with my ignorance.
I’ll concede that I liked the movie a lot more than I thought I would, and going to the movie was an awesome way to end the semester after the insanity of finals was over (for me, at least–Daniel and Ashlin have one more final. Good luck, guys!)