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Alternative Winter Break

Posted by on Sunday, December 8, 2013 in College Life, Diversity, Extracurriculars, General Information, Student Life, Student Organizations, Winter Break.

In about one week, students will be packing up and heading home for the holidays. While I am done with finals this upcoming week, I will be staying in Nashville until Saturday night. Instead of going home, I will be spending the first week of the holidays on service trip for Alternative Winter Break (AWB)!

The AWB logo.

AWB is a student run service organization that sends groups of students to different sites throughout the United States and Puerto Rico for a week of service. This year, there are eleven sites which focus on a variety of issues, such as the environment, homelessness, poverty. I will be spending the week in St. Paul, Minnesota. We will be working with the Tibetan Youth Congress, an organization that advocates for the Tibetan population. I’m looking forward to learning a lot about a new culture.

I am very involved in Alternative Spring Break (ASB), but this will be the first time I have been on an AWB trip. After serving as a site leader for two years on ASB, it is nice to step back and experience a trip as a participant. While these organizations share many of the same values, they are unique. I am happy that I have had the opportunity to be a part of both organizations at Vandy.

Now, some things I am looking forward to…

I’m excited for: spending time with new people, visiting a place I’ve never been to, learning more about Tibetan culture, and bonding over long car rides (it takes 14 hours to get to St. Paul)!

Overall, I can’t wait for the AWBest time of my life!

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