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Sky High!

Posted by on Friday, November 15, 2013 in College Life, Nashville.

My sorority AOII had a swap with BYX last night at Sky High, an indoor trampoline park! It was amazing.


I had heard about Sky High for a few years now but never had an excuse to go. When I heard about the swap, I jumped at the opportunity (get it? ya, not one of my bests…). About 20 members from each group met at the AOII house to coordinate rides, since Sky High is about 15 minutes away from Vanderbilt.

We should be in High School Musical

We had reserved tickets at Sky High for 8-9pm and I think I burned roughly 1,000 calories in that hour. It was so much but soooo tiring. They had a section of trampolines all in a row (so basically a trampoline floor) with trampolines of different sizes and some lining the walls so we could practice our ninja skills and bounce off the wall. I also had some fun doing flips since I used to do competitive cheerleading and can’t resist a good trampoline.

Blogger Caitlyn creeping in the background

They also had a section reserved for dodgeball. We had a round of the BYX boys versus the AOII girls (and two guys who worked there and carried the team) and Caitlyn and I were the last girls standing! We still lost but it might have been the best game of dodgeball I’ve ever played.

Look at Caitlyn's form

The last section had a big foam pit and different trampolines lining the edge and a rope swing too! The whole warehouse was so impressive and it was the perfect study break I needed. Not to mention I got to meet new people and get to know other sisters even better! Needless to say, I’m planning another trip to Sky High before graduation.

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