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Oh, Thank Heaven for Semester Seven!

Posted by on Thursday, September 12, 2013 in Academics, College Life, Communications, General Information, Student Life.

(The title’s a stretch, I know. It’s hard to rhyme with seven.)

We’re about 3 and a half weeks into my second-to-last semester here at Vanderbilt, and the fact that I haven’t blogged yet is a pretty good indicator of how busy it has been. That being said, it is so good to be back at Vandy and back into the swing of things.

And I get to spend this semester in this beautiful place, as wonderfully captured by the Vanderbilt Flickr!

Before I start blogging on all the marvelous things that come with being a senior (if I keep writing it, I’ll eventually believe it, right?) I wanted to do my traditional preview of what classes I’m taking this semester—especially since they’re awesome. Here’s the list:

1. HIST 135—Western Civilization to 1700: This is the very first history class I’ve taken at Vandy, and this course satisfies an international credit for AXLE. Normally I’m not really big on history classes, but Professor Caferro, our teacher, is a fantastic lecturer so I’m actually really excited for this course.

2. ENGL 200—Intermediate Non-Fiction Writing: This is the first non-fiction workshop I’ve taken at Vandy, and it’s focused on writing about other people—particularly in the form of memoirs. Also in this class? Fellow bloggers Nathan and Rani, so it’s pretty great.

3. CMST 294—Rhetoric of US Religion: Fellow bloggers Erica and Luke are in this class, and it is incredibly interesting. We’re examining how religions persuade through the lens of rhetorical critique, and I already feel like I’ve learned a lot.

4. ENGL 242W—Science Fiction: A class where we focus on reading science fiction? I’m in. So far the reading has been really unique, and there’s been a lot of writing but I’m definitely enjoying the course—and already feel like my writing is improving.

5. HOD 2700—Leadership in Organizations: this course is all about leadership theory and learning what makes an effective leader, especially within the context of an organization. It’s certainly going to have a lot of real-life implications!

6. MGRL 194—Creative Advertising: Fellow blogger Samantha and I are taking on this intimidating but incredibly awesome course. We get to design ads with good ‘ole pen and paper on a weekly basis and then critique each others work in class. Our professor is amazing and I am certain I will have lots to share about this course in future posts.

It’s going to be a crazy busy semester, per usual, but I’m absolutely looking forward to diving right in.

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