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Quake announcement rocks Vandy

Posted by on Monday, July 29, 2013 in Music, Nashville, Traditions, Vanderbilt Programming Board.

If you guys haven’t heard already from the huge VPB email announcement, tons of excited Facebook posts, or joyous shouts from the rooftops, the 12th Annual Commodore Quake lineup is here! This year, Vanderbilt’s homecoming concert is playing host to…(drumroll, please):

Kendrick Lamar and Wale!!!!

As a member of VPB’s Music Group, finally being able to say (and type) that somewhere other than the group email thread is the best feeling in the world, and believe me when I say that resisting the temptation to follow up that last sentence with 100+ exclamation points is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do all summer (sad, but true).

Commodore Quake is Vanderbilt’s annual Homecoming concert, and this year’s lineup is one of the most exciting we’ve ever had! Both Wale and Kendrick are incredibly talented rappers who have had insanely successful releases this year, and I can’t wait to watch them anchor down at Memorial Gym in just three short months! Check back here then, and I can guarantee a behind-the-scenes look at what will be one of the most exciting events on campus this year, courtesy of yours truly.

I hope you guys are as excited about the lineup as I am — I can’t wait to get back to Vandy and see you all at Quake!!!

From the VPB announcement email: “The 12th Annual Commodore Quake presents elite rap artists Kendrick Lamar and Wale on Thursday, October 3 at Memorial Gymnasium on the Vanderbilt University campus in Nashville, Tenn. Doors open at 7:00 PM and University parking is free. Students have a large allotment of tickets on hold and will go on sale, Friday, August 23rd at 10am at the Sarratt Student Center.  Tickets are $25 for students. For More information on Commodore Quake, please visit or follow us on Twitter, (#quake13).”

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