Back at Vandy for the Summer
Whew. After less than a month, I am back at my lovely home-away-from-home, beautiful and wonderful Nashville. I fell off the blogosphere for a little while; I was taking some much needed R&R at home after finals. But now I’m back at Vanderbilt and ready to make the most of my summer. Here is what I was up to the past month before returning to Nashville.
After finals I was stuck in a weird limbo where I needed to be back on campus in a week. My brother graduated this past May (Congrats Ryan!). Instead of staying on campus or going home until graduation, I decided to go visit my friend, Becca. Her hometown borders St. Louis, so she showed me around the city. My favorite part of the city: the Hill (an area similar to Little Italy) and the Gateway Arch!

After returning to Vanderbilt, I was sucked into a whirlwind of graduation-related activities. I attended receptions with my family, ate delicious meals, and went to the commencement ceremony. Usually Vanderbilt students graduate on Alumni Lawn, but due to inclement weather the ceremony was held in Memorial Gym. Nevertheless, it was a great day, and I can’t believe I will be graduating in two short years. After the ceremony we went to a reception called Strawberries and Champagne. I ate mounds of strawberries and congratulated my friends that are new alumni.

The next morning after graduation, I was packed up and ready to go home. I spent the rest of May at home. I juggled my time between meeting up with friends, spending time with family, and shadowing a few physicians. I also got to celebrate my twentieth birthday while at home!

Now I am back in Nashville! I’m living off-campus, but not too far away from my beloved school. I will be working in a research lab this summer in the Institute of Imaging Science, which is within the medical center. In my spare time I plan to shadow physicians, study for the MCAT, and explore this amazing city. Here’s to a wonderful summer!