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Summer Plans

Posted by on Friday, May 10, 2013 in Academics, General Information, Internship, Nashville, Pre-Med, Student Life, Summer, Undergraduate Research.

It’s been one week since the summer started and I have made sure to do almost nothing since then. I’ve been happily sitting around my house sleeping, eating and watching movies. It’s been a great relaxing week and there’s plenty more to come during the rest of the summer. However, it’s time to start thinking about summer plans and what I hope to achieve over the next three months.

Once you start college, you soon realize that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that needs to be done. Time management is an important skill that you learn during college. The good thing about summer is that you have plenty of time to catch up on things and to do the things that you weren’t able to do during the school year. There is no pressure on you to accomplish a certain task such as an assignment or studying for an exam and so, anything you do during the summer is at your own will. Now, whether that is catching up on a book/tv series or getting ahead with school work is all up to you. If you asked most students at Vanderbilt, everyone is off during the summer doing things that will help them in the future whether it be an internship, summer classes, shadowing or volunteering, almost everyone is thinking ahead.

Vanderbilt Medical Center

This summer, I will be continuing my work at the research labs at the Vanderbilt Medical Center working part-time as an Undergraduate Lab Assistant. In addition to that, I plan to spend some of my summer time volunteering at the Vanderbilt Hospital and possibly even continue it when school starts back up for the fall semester. Also, I am in the works to try and shadow a physician at the local family clinic in order to better understand what I’m getting myself into. And finally, on top of that, I hope to start researching into different medical schools and to start looking into preparing for the MCAT that I will have to take in the upcoming year.

As you can see, I have much to accomplish during the summer. On top of all those things, I have other goals unrelated to medicine such as catching up on some reading, finishing season 5 of Lost and training for a Triathlon.

It’s going to be a busy summer.

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