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Whole Foods Cooking Class

Posted by on Sunday, March 24, 2013 in College Life, Food, General Information, Nashville, Student Life.

Yesterday, I took my third cooking class at the Salud Cooking School at the Whole Foods in Green Hills. This time, though, I got to plan the event through CityVU. So, I can not only tell you about my cooking experience, but also about the planning that went into it!

As you probably know by now, CityVU is a sub-committee of Vanderbilt Programming Board. We seek to expose Vanderbilt students to Nashville and all that it has to offer. Though we work together as a committee, each member generally plans one event and this was mine. I love food and I love cooking, so I happily volunteered to plan this one.

I contacted the Salud Cooking School (Shoutout to Ms. Merijoy. She is so awesome and helpful!). Together, we planned a menu. We decided to go the Tex-Mex route, because it is easy, delicious, and practical for college students. I don’t think I have ever met a college student who doesn’t like guacamole.

After the date, time and menu were set, I contacted a bus company to transport us. For all CityVU events, transportation is required and mandatory. This way, students without their own cars can attend, and students with cars can save money on gas!

Finally, I sent an email invitation to the student body. We had almost 500 applications for 30 spots! I randomly selected the winners and emailed them to confirm. I think that the event was a huge success and the food was delicious. If you are in Nashville, or have a Salud cooking school near you, I definitely recommend taking a class. I am considering volunteering with the school next year.

Here are some pictures from the event:

The guacamole station
Fresh ingredients courtesy of Whole Foods
My friend Megan and me

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