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Posted by on Sunday, February 24, 2013 in College Life, General Information, Student Life, Studying.

With just one week before spring break, midterm season is upon us. I have two exams this week and a project due, but compared to some of my friends, I suppose I got off easy. Here is the short list of things standing between me and my beautiful family in sunny Miami Beach.

Monday morning: Exam 2 in Biochemistry. For those of you into science, my test covers enzyme kinetics, enzyme regulation, and membrane lipid composition and function. We have to draw and label structures, and describe detailed enzymatic processes. It’s not as fun as it sounds, but hey, it will come in handy one day (I hope).

Tuesday: In the morning, I go to Research at VUMC. Eventually, I plan on dedicating a post about my work there because it is so cool. I spend about 8 hours a week in the lab and I work directly with a grad student and with the lab manager. In the afternoon, I have class. My homework for this week is to research the concept of emergence. I wish I even knew where to begin.

Wednesday: Class from 9 to 4 and an exam in German Fairy Tales. If I survive my exam, then I can celebrate at a VPB Paint Party. This is not a typical paint party, rather it is to paint up for the Vanderbilt men’s basketball game against Georgia. I have never painted up for a game, so hopefully I can check something else off of my Vandy bucket list this week.

Friday: I have a midterm group project due. And then, I am flying home!! I will make it home just in time for birthday cake in honor of my dad, who is turning 30 this Friday! (Just kidding, but he still looks it.)

I do love Vanderbilt, but I can’t help but count down to the end of midterms and the beginning of a relaxing week at home.

This week, I'll be hard at work, just like this girl.

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