Figuring it Out
As college continues to fly by at frightening speed, I realize I am getting closer and closer to being that terrifying and frightening word–an “adult“. Due to my love of lists, I present you some reasons why recently I’ve felt closer to being a “real person”:
1. Taxes. This is the second year I have to file my own taxes because of my summer job, and it’s a little scary, especially because I won’t be going home anytime soon so my parents won’t be able to help. Thankfully, our BCM minister was around when I was doing them online and helped explain a lot of things to me. Befriending smart adults is a good thing to do in college.
2. Summer plans. I find out on Thursday about scholarships and Vanderbilt-in-Spain! In the meantime, I’ve been on the search for backup internships and jobs in case VIS doesn’t work out. There’s a whole host of possibilities out there–my English and Communication major listservs are always sending out new opportunities.
3. Networking. This past week, I went to a marketing networking dinner called “Opening ‘Dores” which aims to foster student-alumni connections. Basically, this consisted of eating dinner with a bunch of Vanderbilt graduates who work in marketing here in Nashville. It was a casual, fun opportunity to make connections and learn about the field–and it also made me realize that the job hunting process is just around the corner.

4. Cooking. Okay, so truth be told, I haven’t done a ton of this. But I’m currently reaching the end of my back-up food reserves and really need to go grocery shopping. Thankfully, I do have the 8-meals/week plan so I will certainly at least make it until spring break.
5. Not knowing when I’ll next be home. This is by far the strangest part–I don’t know when I’ll next be back in Florida. I’m not sure how my summer will work out, and for spring break I’m going to Dallas with the BCM (more on that in another post). It’s a weird feeling to not know when I’ll next see my family.
Junior year of college is a weird time of life to be in–everything is going by so quickly and I feel that mysterious thing called “the real world” looming closer and closer. But at the same time, it’s a really exciting moment in life because there’s still so many exciting possibilities ahead of me!