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First week of classes

Posted by on Thursday, January 10, 2013 in Academics, College Life, General Information.

My first year at Vanderbilt, spring semester began on a Wednesday. Last year, however, classes were pushed up two days to allow for a couple days off during the semester. So, this year, my semester began at 9 am on Monday morning.

This semester, I am enrolled in 15 hours. I am taking Biochemistry, which meets bright and early on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I am taking this class to keep my science brain fresh while I wait to apply to medical school. It does not actually count toward my major or minor.

After biochemistry, I have an hour break before I head to General Logic. This philosophy class applies to my major in Communication Studies. We focus on formal logic, which includes syllogisms and fallacies, and we evaluate philosophical, ethical and moral theories. I am taking one more class that counts toward my major. This class, Rhetoric of the American Experience: 1945- Present, is the continuation to the rhetoric class I took last semester that focused on the time between the Civil War and World War II. In both of these classes, we study famous speeches given by prominent Americans in order to determine how rhetoric has shaped our nation’s identity and life over time.

On Mondays and Wednesdays, I have German Fairy Tales: From the Brothers Grimm to Hollywood. This class fulfills an International credit for AXLE. It is so interesting and most of my best friends are enrolled as well! I am pretty sure I will have to dedicate an entire post to this class- but maybe I should wait until after we watch Shrek and Avatar.

This semester, I only have one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is an honors seminar taught by Professor Wikswo, who is tenured in three departments and has more honors than any professor I have ever had. The class, called Why is Biology Complex, is sure to be thought-provoking and interesting. At the moment, I am a little overwhelmed by it, but I know that my feelings will subside as I become more comfortable with the routine of the class.

Overall, this semester seems like it will be academically rigorous, but focused and interesting. I can’t wait to get started!

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