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WilSkills Fall 2012 Summary

Posted by on Saturday, December 15, 2012 in Athletics, College Life, Extracurriculars, Student Life.

Another semester finished, another great WilSkills season filled with whitewater canoeing, climbing, and backpacking. It’s bittersweet because I’m a senior and this is my second to last WilSkills and Vanderbilt semester.For those of you who haven’t read some of my previous posts proclaiming my undying love for the Wilderness Skills course at Vanderbilt, it is a zero credit hour pass-fail course run 100% by students at Vanderbilt who have taken and passed the course.

Every Fall semester we start off the new academic year with our paddling trips! This August and September, we sent 3 whitewater canoeing trips to the Hiwassee River in TN and the Nantahala River in NC. Highlights at the Hiwassee included massive flotillas, swimming Devil’s Shoals — the largest wave train — and taking a few leaps of faith. Nantahala favorites were, as always, the freezing mountain water and Lesser Wesser (aka Nantahala Falls).

After paddling season, climbing begins! This Fall, we sent out 4 trips to Red River Gorge, KY; Jackson Falls, IL; Rocktown, GA and Sunset Bluff, TN; and Leda, TN and Foster Falls, TN. With students now specialized in climbing of all shapes and sizes (trad, sport, and bouldering), we reminisce on the good times and gnar shredding.

We finished off the semester with 4 wonderful backpacking trips!

Backpacking I headed to Savage Gulf and got lost in the beauty of nature…Backpacking II went to Big Frog Wilderness Area where they experienced good food, a great sunset, good fog, and good modeling…Backpacking III bushwacked through the Joyce Kilmer Wilderness Area in search of scenic views and bears…Backpacking IV wrapped up the semester at Frozen Head State Park by making it to the top of the mountain and frolicking in the wilderness before finals!

Thanks for a great Fall season to all of the WilSkills students and instructors!

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