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Fall Finale

Posted by on Saturday, December 15, 2012 in Academics, College Life, Nashville, Student Life, Studying, Summer, Winter Break.

Today marks the official last day of the Fall Semester! Woo hoo! Though I made my way back home earlier in the week, I figured now is a good time as any to do some reflecting on the semester past and things to look forward to in the semester to come.


1)   Large quantities of reading are impossible to do after 9:17 at night. This past semester has been a particularly reading-intensive semester (we’re talking at least 200+ pages a week here, people!). It was a nice change of pace from semesters past, but I realize, in order to prevent a dire case of slacker-itis, making a reading schedule in the future will probably be in my best interest…and hopefully keep me interested!

2)   Beware the double-edged sword of The Starbucks Addiction. Before this semester, I never had a “signature drink” at Starbucks, or anywhere for that matter, beyond hot chocolate and green tea. This semester was the semester of the Chai Tea Latte. It’s not a coffee drink (I don’t drink coffee) but it definitely became a new favorite. Did this warm, yummy drink help get me through the early mornings and mid-afternoon slump? You betcha. Do I want to think about how many calories I’m consuming 2-3 times a day during a stressful finals period? No, not at all.

3)   I REALLY enjoy doing random activities. Last year, before I had my vehicle, it was extremely hard to branch out and venture off campus very often. This year I have visited Cheekwood, Belle Meade, Opry Land+Opry Mills, made several visits to the Green Hills/Cool Springs malls, Leiper’s Fork, Downtown, East End, and many more fabulous places. From what I’ve seen, Nashville and its surrounding suburbs and nearby towns are absolutely gorgeous places to drive through and explore. Can’t wait to continue the adventures next semester!

4)   Sleep is very important—last year, I MAY have fallen into the bad habit of getting into a poor sleep schedule. Call it freshman insomnia (or General Chemistry and Calculus), but it was hard to go to sleep at a regular hour. This semester, due in part to the early mornings of my internship this summer, I realize the sweet, sweet benefits of sleep and all the glorious things a few Zzz’s can help with. Try better health, better mood, and better quality of life, to name a few.

5)   Friends, no matter how near or far, will be there in the end. This semester was a huge transition from freshman year. Our wonderful hall on Crawford 5 last year housed the best set of ladies anyone could ask for. This year, though it is odd that we are spread out on all corners of campus, we still remain close, though we don’t see each other everyday. Friendships made at Vanderbilt are meant to last—and it has been delightful experiencing/figuring out what that means.


1)   I am enrolled in 18 hours for next semester. What does this mean, exactly? LOTS OF STUDYING. I took 17 hours first semester of freshman year, and I was in a little over my head, to say the least. This upcoming semester I plan to really buckle down, make a pristine study schedule, and face this academic challenge head on.

2)   Apartment hunting? Is there a chance Miss Chloe Marie might be living off campus next year? Quite possibly. I will be on the apartment hunt for the first few weeks of the semester before we sign our housing contracts for next year! Wish me luck!

3)   Summer Internships. Yeah, I know. Why is she talking about summer when we haven’t started spring yet? In college, I’m finding, the earlier you get you your future plans together, the less stressed out you will be in the long run. Though I managed a wonderful internship this summer, it was preceded by long conversations and stress-invoked tears. Not pretty. Tip: start early.

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