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Caitlyn’s Catch-Ups: Birthday Terror

Posted by on Saturday, December 15, 2012 in College Life, General Information, Nashville.

Catch-Ups part 3!  A while back, I explored a side of Nashville that I had yet to see: the scary side.

Now, before you all freak out, I’m saying “scary” in the haunted warehouse kind of way, not the real-life kind of scary.  For our friend Alice’s birthday, Ashlin, two of our other friends, and myself took Alice out for dinner at her favorite restaurant–the Cheesecake Factory (yum!), and then to a haunted house across the river, because for her birthday, Alice wanted the “pants scared off of her.” (quote taken from a text sent to me by Ashlin).  While this is a birthday wish that I’m not sure I quite understand, I went along with it.

Some background information:  Up until last year, the slightest prospect of anything remotely scary sent me into a fit of terror.  Around September, I made the conscious decision to like scary movies.  People don’t generally understand this when I try to explain, but it is what it is.  Since then, I’ve watched quite a few, and I like to say that I’m now a “scary movie person,” if you will–but I had yet to experience the true terror of a haunted house.  Ashlin found the scariest haunted experience that she could (Devil’s Dungeon), and off we went.  By the time we reached the Dungeon–which was in a warehouse across the river–I had sufficiently psyched myself out, and it took a good 20 minutes for my friends to convince me to buy a ticket and go inside.

Just hanging out with a murderer. Casual.

Clutching the arms of my friends with all my might (but actually, my friend’s hand will never be the same), I made it through–just barely. (However it wasn’t as nearly as frightening as I expected, and I actually had fun!)  All in all, I had a great time hanging out with my friends, celebrating Alice’s birthday, and getting to explore Nashville!  I really need to work on that–I don’t take advantage of living in such a great city nearly enough!

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