Catch-Up with Victoria and Nathan: Chapter II
True life: Nathan currently has a post with this title (except he has his name first, pfft) in the works. I’m beating him to it. Find all the Catch-Up Chronicles here.
My lovely readers, it has been far too long. Over a month, in fact. In that span of time, as Nathan mentioned, a LOT of things have happened. As a blogger, I sometimes get stressed out when events build up and I want to write about current things but then I remember all the things I haven’t yet covered. This generally causes me to procrastinate further, which is not a good solution. Thus, the Catch-Up Chronicles allow me to throw a variety of event summaries at you and disregard when or how long ago they happened.
Furthermore, it’s Thanksgiving break which means minimal school-related things are happening so I don’t have to worry about missing current events. Blogging is also an excellent way of procrastinating an essay I’m supposed to be writing (in case you haven’t noticed, procrastination is a running theme in my life).
The first major thing I failed to share with you all was fall break. Thankfully, I went on the same mission trip to Cincinnati as fellow blogger Ann, so you can read her marvelous coverage here! So really, you didn’t miss out on anything at all.
Another major thing: I survived my Chaffin flooding! Yes, I’m being over-dramatic. This is not the most exciting of events to share, but I like to keep it real and I’ll tie it in with a few pictures that can constitute a mini Chaffin-tour (I once promised you one). I’ve loved living in Highland Quad this year, and my Chaffin and Chaffin-mates are fantastic!

However, getting a text from one of said Chaffin-mates telling you that water from the bathroom is overflowing on the second floor and dripping through the ceiling tiles into the kitchen on the first floor is not so fun. Thankfully, Highland has a front desk that can always be called, and maintenance was really speedy. Nothing was damaged, they gave us large fans to dry the carpet for a few days, and replaced the ceiling tiles right away.

All’s well that ends well, right? And there you go–two completely random events I hadn’t gotten to blog about. Other things to potentially be included in the catch-up blog: dancing in Diwali, guest speakers galore, sushi sunday, and so much more! Stay tuned!