Black Friday Bonanza!
Want to know a big secret? I’m not really a fan of Thanksgiving dinner. But I still look forward to the holiday… because of Black Friday! This year, my mom and I hit the stores on Thanksgiving night, way earlier than I anticipated!

We actually only went to two places, Target and Belk, but that was overwhelming enough. We arrived at Target about five minutes before the store opened, and the line extended past the whole strip mall! However, we didn’t have to wait too long to get into the store and we got what we came there for: a 14 piece Rachel Ray cooking set for my mom. After waiting in a checkout line that extended over half of the store, we headed to Belk to buy some shoes.

After Target, I thought Belk would be the least of our worries. I was so wrong. The shoe section was crowded with women determined to get what they wanted. We could hardly move. Luckily, my short stature worked to my advantage and I was able to squeeze through the crowds. This dynamic duo got everything they wanted!

What was most shocking to me was that a lot of stores open so early now. Target was open at 9 PM, and Belk opened at midnight. My mom went back around eight in the morning to buy some Christmas presents for my brother, and all the shoes were restocked! In addition, the stores were deserted in the morning. I guess everyone was sleeping after a hectic night.

Overall, I had an enjoyable Black Friday experience. What was my best purchase? It was something not on sale of course, but a shark onesie!