What’s up World?
Hello Inside ‘Dores readers! Well this is it, my first of many blog posts for Inside ‘Dores. To get the ball rolling I guess I will just talk about who I am, how I got to Vanderbilt, and what I do here on this awesome campus!
My name is Luke Anapolis and I was born and raised in Niskayuna (Nisk-a-una), New York, a suburban town about three hours north of New York City, and three hours south of Canada. At home I have two amazing parents, my brother Nick who is starting his senior year in college, and my little sister Natalia (tals for short) who just started her freshman year of high school this past week. In high school I was involved in a myriad of activities like student government, tennis, musical theater, band, and choir. Random fact, I worked at an apple orchard my senior year of high school, and it will probably be one of the best jobs I will ever have. I mean, I got to wear flannel and sell people apples all day. You can’t get any better than that, ey?

Well unlike most of my friends and classmates here, I actually did not spend my freshman year at Vanderbilt. Instead, I spent my freshman year at New York University, right in the heart of Manhattan. I had a great freshman year exploring the city, making many amazing friends (many whom I still keep in touch with), and trying to avoid getting run over by crazy cab drivers. But when it came down to it, NYU was a little too big for me (20,000 undergraduates+all of new york city, essentially), and I was hoping to find a college with more of a campus community. That’s where Vanderbilt comes in.
I had zero, I repeat, zero interest in Vanderbilt when I was in high school. I ignorantly just assumed it was a bunch of southern preps who spent their free time at football games, or going to country music concerts. But after doing some research, visiting the campus, and talking to some students, I fell in love with Vanderbilt. So I applied to transfer, got in, and started my sophomore year at Vanderbilt just last August. Transferring to Vanderbilt was the best decision of my life. Seriously. The campus is beautiful, the student body is so intelligent, diverse, ambitious, and friendly, Nashville is one of the coolest cities in America, and the balance between work and “play” is unreal. And no, not even half of the school is southern.
Anyways, aside from blogging, I do a few other things on campus. I am a tour guide, I work part time at the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, president of my acapella group the Vanderbilt Dodecaphonics (like us on Facebook!), alumni relations chair of my fraternity Sigma Nu, and I was also a Connectdore (transfer orientation leader) at the beginning of the school year. I am studying communications and double minoring in corporate strategy and leadership and organization, and despite this, I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. I think I would like to end up working in marketing, business development, or for a politically oriented non-profit. But hey, I still have some time to figure that out, right? In my free time I like to “chill-out” with my friends, watch movies, go to concerts and museums, take photos, and try some of the awesome restaurants in Nashville. Recently, I have spent a lot of my free time catching up on the only TV show I watch-Adventure Time! If you have not watched an episode, you have not fully lived.

Well, that’s all for now folks! I hope you learned a little bit more about me, and that you will continue to follow my adventures here at Vanderbilt. Thanks for reading!
Over and out,