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Weekend Adventures

Posted by on Sunday, September 16, 2012 in College Life, Food, Nashville.

After a busy week full of tests, it was great to relax this weekend and have a chance to hang out with my friends. We also got to explore Nashville by checking out Goodwill and a local Vietnamese restaurant.

I have never done much thrift shopping before, but I have so many friends who have bought really cute clothes for super cheap. Friday afternoon I finally went shopping at Goodwill with some of my friends. We had so much fun looking through all the racks of clothes. There was quite a variety, ranging from cute sweaters to the ridiculous shoulder-padded blouses. I was on the hunt for a Halloween costume, even though Halloween is still over a month away because normally it takes me forever to find a costume. However, my friend Sophie found a bright 90’s jacket along with matching pants, and it was just too awesome not to buy. My friend Lucia also happened upon some fantastic Christmas sweaters, and since I do not own a tacky Christmas sweater, I had to get one too. All in all, while I didn’t find any everyday clothes, it was a great thrifting experience.

The crazy Christmas sweaters we found.

Saturday morning I woke up bright and early and went to the game. We got there about half an hour early so that we could get good seats. I’ve never been to a game that early before and it was fun to see all the things that the football team does to get the fans pumped up before the game actually starts. It was awesome to cheer on our team, especially with the new “anchor down” cheer that Vanderbilt’s adopted this year. We ended up winning 58-0 and the game was tons of fun, even though I did get a little sunburned.

Fun times at the Vandy football game!

On Sunday after church, I went to Noshville for brunch. It’s a part of Taste of Nashville and a favorite brunch place among Vandy students. I ordered an omelette and it was delicious! In the afternoon I got some work done, since I had been slacking on homework for most of the weekend. For dinner, my friends and I went to a Vietnamese restaurant for my friend’s birthday. We are obsessed with this dish called pho, which is an amazing soup filled with noodles, vegetables, and the meat of your choice. I tried it for the first time last year and I am hooked. There is always a huge bowl of soup, but it is so tasty that I end up eating it all.

My bowl of chicken pho.

After a wonderful weekend, unfortunately it’s time to get back to studying. See you guys later!

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