Student Org. Fair
Welcome back! In preparation for the new school year, don’t forget the most exciting part — the Student Organization Fair! It is going to take place on Friday August 24th outside of the Commons Center from 3-6pm. Each year, over 100 of Vanderbilt’s student organizations set up booths to show the incoming freshmen and transfer students what Vanderbilt has to offer as far as extracurricular activities go.

Philanthropic organizations, sports and arts clubs, and cultural and religious groups, and more will be there. So be ready with a pen to sign up with your name and e-mail. Signing up puts you on the general listserv of an organization so you can receive e-mail updates about general body meetings and events! The Student Org. Fair is a great place to sign up for anything and everything that interests you! Then, check out the meetings (there’s even free food sometimes!) and get to know the members…If later in the year, you decide that some organizations aren’t for you, you can just take yourself off the listserv (go to, log in, and click on “Subscriber’s Corner”) or request to be taken off.
I remember signing up for pretty much EVERY organization when I was a freshman, and I’m glad I did. I suggest going to all the first general body meetings to figure out which organizations you really like. Get involved now, and then as your college experience progresses, you can choose where your passions and dedication lie.
So, come check us all out!