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My Summer So Far

Posted by on Thursday, July 5, 2012 in Academics, General Information, Studying.

Well, it has been about two months since my summer vacation began and I left my home away from home, the wonderful Vanderbilt University. I can’t believe it! Summer is going by fast, but who cares! I’m ready to be back at Vandy. Until then, here are a few blurbs about my summer:

How I kicked off summer: To help motivate me through my finals, I decided to reward myself with getting a Pottermore account. Honestly, I just wanted to know what house I would be placed in. So yeah, I’m a Slytherin. I haven’t logged back on since!

What I’m doing: I’m taking two summer classes at home (yay college towns!). I wasn’t able to fit a math course in my schedule this past year, so I decided to take one this summer. The course is called Calculus III, and it is the equivalent of the Math 175 course offered at Vanderbilt. In addition, I am taking physics. They are both challenging courses, but they are bearable since I am not taking them with a full load of classes. So far taking summer classes has been a great experience for me. The only downside: I have an 8 AM class four days a week. Finals are in a month, wish me luck!

Trying to make math homework more interesting...

When I first got home: I thought I would be super productive and unpack everything at once. Bad idea. My already tiny room looked like a war zone for a week. I realized I have too many clothes, and I vowed I wouldn’t shop this summer. I broke that promise in about two days.

Think I own enough clothes?

Summer Swag?: This is very random, but I feel the need to share my new favorite pajama shorts with the world. They are green (my favorite color), have crabs on them, and say “I’m crabby in the morning”. And yes, I can be a little grouchy in the morning.

Soooo comfortable!

Vacations: I have been confined to my hometown for the majority of the summer because I am taking classes. However, I did get to go to Orange Beach for a weekend about two weeks ago. In addition, I am going to Chicago at the end of July.

Those are a few of the things that have been going on in my summer. Enjoy the goofy pictures!

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