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Vandy Reunion

Posted by on Sunday, June 10, 2012 in College Life, Student Life, Summer.

Just as it is difficult to keep in touch with home friends while at school, it is extremely difficult to keep in touch with school friends while at home. Two of my good friends at school happen to also be from Miami. I actually met them at the Admitted Students Reception in April of our senior year of high school and we became great friends through our shared Chemistry class Freshmen year.Yesterday, we were finally able to coordinate our schedules and meet up for lunch. Both girls are taking summer classes at FIU, which I did last summer, and I am studying for the MCAT, so it has been quite the mission to align our schedules. Finally, though, after about a month of trying, we succeeded. I suppose it’s due in part to the fact that, after a month, we have caught up on sleep, visits to the doctor, family time and high school friends.

Our lunch made me realize how excited I am to get back to Vandy for my junior year. The three of us, along with our 9 other best friends, will all be living on the same hall in Towers in singles and doubles. I miss all of my friends terribly. My house seems so quiet and boring compared to the always bustling college dorms. I’m also excited to take classes that will count toward my major in Communications Studies, in addition to a few extra science classes.

The girls and I have vowed to see each other more for the rest of the summer. Every now and then, I just need my Vandy fix!

The Miami Girls at Rites of Spring

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