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The Liar: A VUT Production

Posted by on Friday, April 13, 2012 in Art, Extracurriculars, Student Life.

Last night in order to celebrate the end of a rough academic week, I along with a few of my friends went to see “The Liar” which is the Vanderbilt University Theater’s latest production. VUT shows are always amazing, and this one was no different!

“The Liar” tells the story of Daronte, a man in Paris in the 1600’s who lies about everything. He tells dramatic lies about the time he spent at war, the woman he is married to, and much more. Throughout the play he is trying to win the heart of Lucrece, whom he thinks is a woman he met the day before but he actually has her mixed up with her best friend, Clarice.

The play was absolutely hysterical, which was much appreciated considering the rough week I had had. I was also extremely impressed because the entire play was spoken in verse and in pentameter, meaning all of the lines rhymed as if they actors were speaking a poem. I can’t even begin to think about how they memorized all of those lines.

The coolest part of the show came after its end though. We got to do a “talkback” with the members of the cast, meaning they answered questions about their experience with the play, how they related to their characters, and the challenges of putting on this particular production. It was really cool to hear about the play from the actor’s perspective and to talk to them while they were out of character. “The Liar” was just one more awesome production from VUT, and I’m really glad I chose to spend my Thursday night seeing it!