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Phi Lamb Formal!

Posted by on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 in College Life, Dance, Extracurriculars, Greek Life, Nashville.

This past weekend my sorority, Sigma Phi Lambda, (which is the Christian sorority on campus) had our formal! It was held in the fellowship hall of a local church near campus, and overall it was a night of great fun with my sisters!

Since Phi Lamb is smaller than many of the other sororities on campus, we decided to have dinner catered in so that we could all have dinner together rather than going separate places as small groups. Our food was from a delicious Italian restaurant in Nashville and for dessert we had lots of options made by girls within the chapter (we all LOVE to bake!!!) such as cookies with lambs on them, s’mores dip, and cherry chocolate cupcakes.

After we all stuffed ourselves full of delicious food, we had time to dance. They played a lot of fun flashback songs, such as the Backstreet Boys, and we did dances that allowed everyone to be involved, such as the Electric Slide and the Cha Cha Slide. These songs were appreciated by those of us who aren’t as coordinated in the dancing category (cough cough, me).

My favorite part of the night had to be when the current pledges from this semester did a flash mob style dance to Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire in the middle of formal. This is a tradition that began with my pledge class last year, and since I am one of the “pledge trainers” this semester, it was really fun for me to be involved with creating this surprise for everyone. All of the pledges also got introduced and I along with Emily, the other pledge trainer, got to lead the girls out and present each of them with a rose. It was very sentimental and exciting because this means our pledges are almost ready to become active sisters! Overall, formal was a great way for me to spend my Saturday night!