Murray Magic Memories!
Time flies by, and goodness gracious, I cannot believe that I am finishing my second year at Vandy within a month. You see, last night nostalgia hit hard when I went back to my first home on Vandy campus: Murray House. All alum Murrayites had been invited to the Faculty Head of House’s, Dr. Sharon Shields, Last Murray Magic.
First, I will explain Murray Magic. My freshman house, Murray, had Murray Munchies every Tuesday last night, but it also had these random events called Murray Magic, and they ranged from random ice cream gatherings on the patio to playing X-Box Kinect in the seminar room. So last night, my friends and I returned to Murray to enjoy the evening. It was so very magical, with M-shaped cookies and the chocolate fountain that we came to love last year!
More importantly, though, we went down memory lane (and I will not lie, quite emotionally). You see, so much happened in that house. My room was the gathering room for my dear group of friends. Every Friday and weekend, we would watch movies and play games in what my roommate and I had named “Pluto’s Lounge.” We baked as often as we could in the kitchen, and we played X-Box Kinect together in the seminar room. One night, we even built a ridiculous blanket fort in the seminar room. All of the memories just flooded back. We even saw our old room, and boy did it look different!
Our old Head Resident had come back as well, and it was just a great reunion to remember the foundation of my Vanderbilt experience. The most important part of the evening, though, was giving Mama Murr (Dr. Sharon Shields) the best last Murray Magic possible. Incoming freshman, listen to this: Get to know your Head of House. They will help you and support you in more ways than you could’ve imagined. As I have stated multiple times, people make the experience, and if you reach out to your future Head of House, your freshman year will be that much more meaningful. Take advantage of every moment, and enjoy it to its fullest.