Close to Nature
Last weekend, I went home for Easter weekend in order to spend the holiday with my parents. However, I brought two friends along so that they could experience the beauty of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
You see, we are fortunate that Vanderbilt is a national arboretum. It means that students can enjoy a pleasant walk to classes or relaxing on the fields across campus and enjoy their beautiful surroundings all at the same time. This is wonderful most of the time, but if you grow up with the mountains, well, it is nice to go back in order to have trees surrounding you as you drive down a windy mountain road and hear the river beside you rushing away.
Not only that, but the city lights do not provide a opportunity to go star-gazing here in Nashville. But if you can find a secluded place in the mountains, you can lay down and watch a plethora of stars above you shifting, or even watch as the moon rises! Without a doubt, it was just the weekend my friends and I needed away from school and away from the upcoming stresses that naturally occur with finals.
The best part about all of this? These mountains are actually quite close for a weekend trip, and now it is easy to get there! Megabus provides the opportunity to travel to Knoxville for just a few dollars, so if you ever need a nature-filled, stress-free weekend in the mountains, they are only three hours away and perfect for a getaway with friends. Here’s some proof!