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The Best Day Ever

Posted by on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 in College Life, Food, General Information, Movies, Nashville.

Today has quite possibly been the best day I’ve had in a while.  Two things happened: one, I got to see an advance screening of The Hunger Games! And two, my family is here!

I’ll address The Hunger Games first: a few weeks ago, I entered an online contest to win tickets to an advanced screening of The Hunger Games.  (For those of you that don’t happen to know what The Hunger Games is, click here.)  And then on Monday, as I was walking down Greek Row with Eileen, I got an email bearing the fantastic news that I had won two passes to the screening!! I was literally jumping up and down; you can ask Eileen.  I was so excited to see it over 24 hours early!  This afternoon, my friend Rachel-Chloe and I boarded the bus to the Mall at Green Hills to see the movie!

Our first stop once we got there was Noodles & Company, where we ordered tasty noodles for dinner.  After we ate, we went into the movie theater and got in line to wait! (We even made friends with a little girl named Sassy and her mom!) Around 6:30, they started checking passes and letting us into the theater–even though we weren’t first in line, RC and I secured great seats about halfway up. At 7:15, a Nashville radio station started giving out free Hunger Games swag!  (Posters and lanyards.)  And then came the movie. And OH BOY, did I love it. (I’ll stop with that so no one kills me for spoiling anything.)

After the movie, RC and I moseyed over to the Cheesecake Factory, which was fortunately still open, to enjoy some delicious cheesecake while we waited for our ride to arrive. (Our ride being my parents!!)  My sister is graduating from art school this year, and her senior show is this weekend so my whole family came to Nashville!  It was the first time I’ve seen my parents since January and I was so excited!  I can’t wait for the rest of the week/weekend; it’s already off to such an amazing start. (And I plan on going to the midnight premiere of the movie tomorrow night too!)

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