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Not Greek? No Problem!

Posted by on Thursday, March 29, 2012 in College Life, Freshman Life, Greek Life, Student Life.

The frantic weekends of Spring Rush are over and the girls on my hall have settled into the weekly routine of chapter meetings, wearing cute sorority t-shirts, and Big-Little bonding. Though Greek Life is a huge part of Vanderbilt’s social culture, I find myself still being able to enjoy the best of both the social Greek scene and the plethora of other opportunities on campus as a non-Greek.

1)   Social Events on the Weekends. What is great about Vanderbilt is that most social events within the Greek system are open to EVERYONE. On the weekends, there is always sure to be fun themed parties hosted by our fraternities, or fashion shows and philanthropy events hosted by our sororities. Even if you are a non-Greek, you can still be supportive of Greek organizations by attending the wide-range of social events.

2)   Plenty to do! Vanderbilt is in a prime location. Located on the outskirts of Nashville, students here are able to enjoy a quiet stroll around campus and the surrounding suburbs or venture into Downtown Nashville to soak up the exciting nightlife and southern culture of the city. Lazer tag, karaoke, ice -skating…you name it, it’s here! There are always plenty of opportunities to have an enjoyable time outside of the Greek system events.

3)   Other ways to get involved! Vanderbilt has SO much to offer in terms of service opportunities, clubs, and interest groups. Did student council in high school? Join VSG! Played a sport? Play on an intramural team! Passionate about breast cancer awareness? Help out Relay for Life! Getting involved is a sure-fire way to expand your personal horizons and circle of friends.

At Vanderbilt, you can have it all and more!

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