My Spring Break
This spring break, I decided to go home and spend time with my family and high school friends, who were also home from their respective universities for break. This break was also awesome because some of my Vanderbilt friends came home with me, too!My spring break was fairly eventful. Some of the Vandy highlights included:
1. A visit from my roommate! My roommate flew into Miami on Thursday night, so we spent Friday and Saturday at the beach and hanging out with my family. I loved watching my roommate interact with my parents. I didn’t realize that they actually hardly knew each other. My two worlds were colliding right before my eyes!
2. On Sunday morning, I woke up bright and early to run the Miami Beach Half Marathon. It was my first time ever running a timed event, but I have been training for it all year. At the end of the summer, I made myself a training regimen that would fit into my schedule here at Vanderbilt. My runs are often the only alone time I get when I am at school. They have become as much a part of my schedule as class and lab. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but, miraculously, with my family there to cheer me on. I finished! I have a feeling I will be doing another one soon.
After the run, I met up with the rest of my Vandy friends, who had flown in Saturday afternoon and were staying with two of my best friends here, who also happen to be from Miami. Interestingly enough, I did not know these girls before I got to school, but we are all pre-med and have really connected since coming to school. Everybody spent Sunday night at my house and my parents cooked for everybody. We watched movies and played board games well into the night, but were up the next morning with enough time to enjoy the beach.

The rest of the week was a perfect mix of friends and family and rest and fun-tivities. I had a great spring break and I am back at school, full of energy to fully enjoy the rest of the year.