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AOII Red Rose Ball 2012

Posted by on Monday, March 26, 2012 in College Life, General Information, Greek Life.

If you’ve been reading Inside ‘Dores for a while, you may have seen a post about last year’s Red Rose Ball from Eileen.  The Red Rose Ball is our sorority’s spring formal, and this year it was at the Riverwood Mansion!

We don’t know the venues for our parties until we pull up to the event, so I was really excited when we stopped in front of a gorgeous mansion! Riverwood Mansion is one of the oldest homes in Nashville, and it has a beautiful garden as well.  My older sister’s thesis show was the same night as formal, so I didn’t go to dinner with my friends before formal, but I made it back to campus in time to catch the buses to the venue, and I am so glad I did!

Not only was the party at a mansion, but there was a chocolate fountain and a photobooth too!  We were also allowed to explore certain parts of the house, which was so old-fashioned and cool.  A lot of my sisters and their dates had fun taking old-fashioned-looking pictures in the different rooms.

My friends and I chose the twinkle-light-filled garden as our preferred location for pictures, as you can tell from the picture gallery of this post.  All in all, I had a great night with my sisters, filled with music, dancing, chocolate, and pictures!

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